90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the realities of repression, fleeing first in 1978, then again in 1991, and once more in August 2017, after her home village was burnt down. She now...
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Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early years, having worked for a handful of companies writing code in C and C++ I always had an eye on the current on-goings of the digital world...
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90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the realities of repression...
Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early years, having worked for...
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90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the...
Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early...
Driving over the newly established roads at the Balukahli refugee camp in southern Bangladesh, a visitor can faintly understand what kind of...
On my return to the Rohinga refugee camps in Bangladesh, I find a grown community, driven out of their homelands by the army of Myanmar. Now they...
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90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the realities of repression, fleeing first in 1978, then again in 1991, and once more in August 2017, after her home village was burnt down. She now...
Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early years, having worked for a handful of companies writing code in C and C++ I always had an eye on the current on-goings of the digital world...
Layout B
90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the realities of repression...
Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early years, having worked for...
Layout C
90-year-old Gul Zahar has experienced exile three times in her lifetime. Originally from Myanmar, she is a Rohingya Muslim who has lived the...
Well, I have to say, the whole crypto craze didn’t go past me without an impression. Being a former software developer myself in my early...
Driving over the newly established roads at the Balukahli refugee camp in southern Bangladesh, a visitor can faintly understand what kind of...
On my return to the Rohinga refugee camps in Bangladesh, I find a grown community, driven out of their homelands by the army of Myanmar. Now they...